
Apes in Chatsworth

Day 18

    Ever heard of Robin Hood and Lady Marian? Well we're best friends and I hung out with them in Sherwood forest. Not to brag or anything.

     Julia, Sam and I went to the Sherwood forest Go Ape. Go Ape is a rope and zip-line course in the middle of a forest.


Day 19

    We spent the night in Matlock with Julia's friend Pam. Her daughter Anna and I have become kind of close after hanging out for 2 days, she's only 14. The morning after Go Ape Pam, Anna, Julia, Sam and I went to Chatsworth estate. It was more than magnificent!

 All three of us inside the house wandering around.

Rembrandt and his hidden masterpieces.

Maze completed! I was the one who got lost!

Sam is obsessed with slapping my thighs. Oof painful.

I am the Black Swan!

Chatsworth Estate

The coolest band!!!! Check out the saxophonist;) 


Girls Night Out (just kidding)

Day 17

     Sam had work today so Julia and I were on our own. Sam works with John, his gardener, he goes and does landscaping jobs. I tried to blog a little bit today but my computer crashed and my adapter is being shipped around England.

      Today was kind of a chill day for me. Julia and I picked up her friend Cathy and went to the Heath. The houses were all like massive estates. We took a small walk around some of the houses and walked to The Heath Tea House. The tea house is literally someone's home. They have a small cafe on the bottom floor of their home and cook everything in their kitchen. It was so tasty and very quaint.

     I stayed veggie for curry night... We met up with quite a few people from Julia's works. I'm going to get their names right.

Sonya, Adele, Jo, Julie, Graham, Danny, Natalie, and others that I forgot what a waste....

     First we met up at Fernandez, a pub in Wakefield. No I didn't drink anything but water. 

  We had a reservation at the Red Chili II, an Indian restaurant. One of the waiters had some eyesight problem and you never really knew who he was looking at. It was cheese and spinach and it was so good. Me being clumsy and stupid while at the buffet, managed to drop a Eggplant Pakora into a massive bowl of sauce. SMH (if you do not know what this means Google it or ask a young person in your family). 


Day 16


     Today Sam, Julia and I traveled to York. We walked through these beautiful gardens and happened to find a large horse!:) Julia and I were the only ones who could get our feet in the stirrups. Sam on the other hand, with his four foot leg height, was going to pull something or tear something if he tried to sit all the way down. 

    We continued into York heading toward the Shambles but got pulled away by Betty's. Betty's is a very posh English Tea House kind of. I had Summer Fruit Brioche, it tasted wonderful but the silverware was awfully confusing. Being a posh British tea house i was given a fork with a knife like edge to it and a spoon. Um hello last time I checked to cut bread you need a real knife and a real fork not puny, play silverware. I think a small monkey would have been better off using them! 

    We continued wandering around the Shambles after Betty's. We came across some buskers, the Y Street band! 



LEED(s) Me Home

Day 15

     Sam and I took the bus into Leeds this morning seen as though Julia had to work. When we got Leeds and waked out of the bus station there was a massive outdoor market! Sam being a guy has to eat every few hours, he stopped in the market and got a bag of egg shaped (not flavored) gummies! Strange, but they were really good.

     We wandered around the new Leeds Trinity Shopping Center (Mall), went into so may stores but didn't buy anything.

       While Sam and I got "lunch", really just a smoothie and a danish, with the wonderful power of twitter said that a girl was going to be performing in a record store. We went to go and see her and I now regret not filming her because she was THAT good! Her name was Emily something but I can't remember. She was so small but had such a powerful and different voice, brilliant!!

      Just before we caught the bus back to Wakefield we had a crepe each and they were so hot (temperature wise) and it to be 30 degrees already. The bus was 1000000000 degrees I actually thought I was going to die, and I thought Sam was going to pass out at one point...

  Later on after Julia, Clive, Thomas and I had dinner, Sam went to his Dad's, Julia took us to a dam. We had a little walk around the lake thingy. Walking around we passed a man and his Meerkat, Mishka. She was playful and made a clicking noise when anyone tickled her stomach.

Thomas and I as Meerkats! :)


Crying Castles

Day 14
   I had to leave Uncle Nick's house today. :( I'm not going to lie I did cry. Being a deal older than the last time I saw him I feel that we were able to bond as friends and it was more fun. Leaving was hard, I cried for ten minutes in the car. It will probably be another two/ three years before I see him and Lolly again. Grandma and I drove for about two and a half hours before we got back to Gildersome. 

    Once back at her's, I had a baguette (yum)!!!! I attempted to blog but laziness got the best of me, instead I watched Schindler's List. It was a very touching film to say the least. 

Day 15

  I slept in way late this morning! Grandma was having her hair done by a lovely lady Danielle. I decided I would trim my hair while she was there. She did a very good job and was so funny! Danielle is VERY pregnant, she was telling us about her experiences being pregnant and cute stories. After Danielle left Grandma and I had lunch at Nando's!

     Julia and Sam live down the road from Margaret and Charles, so I popped in to say "hi" before going down the road to Julia's. 

   Sam, Thomas (Clive's son) and I took a walk to Sandal castle, it was just such a nice breezy night and we climbed on the ruins. I almost fell multiple times! Whoops. As per usual I was laughed at not helped up, oh well... 


Disco Pants and Hibernation

Day 12

       Lolly and I went to the shopping center so she could find summer clothes. We spent a good hour and quitte a few pounds in Primark. I found these fabulous disco pants. They are high-waisted, black, and shiny. Lolly got some high-waisted shorts that were super cute on her. i bought quite a few other items as well. (I'll show you those when I get home)! 

      Uncle Nick, being a stereotypical man, was bored of sitting outside. We decided to take a drive to Ironbridge.  Ironbridge was where the industrial revolution started in the UK. The bridge that gave Ironbridge its name was the first iron cast bridge in the world! 

      I had yet another ice cream here. I think I'm beginning to look like an ice cream! We went home after that because it was so hot and had a smorgasbord. Oh did I mention I was sleeping in a tent! It was so much fun. 

Day 13

        Another hibernation session with Charlotte Affolter. It has been so hot in the tent and just all day really, that I became so tired so I slept into the morning and then again for 2 hours in the afternoon. After I woke up in the afternoon Uncle Nick made his famous Turkey and Chick Pea Curry. Oh My Lord it was so good. I inhaled it, there was no chewing involved. 

       A lot of the time I was at Nick's all four of us were laughing and talking. There wasn't much television or anything. I nearly peed myself on numerous occasions. i recorded Nick and Grandma singing a dirty RAF song.