
Girls Night Out (just kidding)

Day 17

     Sam had work today so Julia and I were on our own. Sam works with John, his gardener, he goes and does landscaping jobs. I tried to blog a little bit today but my computer crashed and my adapter is being shipped around England.

      Today was kind of a chill day for me. Julia and I picked up her friend Cathy and went to the Heath. The houses were all like massive estates. We took a small walk around some of the houses and walked to The Heath Tea House. The tea house is literally someone's home. They have a small cafe on the bottom floor of their home and cook everything in their kitchen. It was so tasty and very quaint.

     I stayed veggie for curry night... We met up with quite a few people from Julia's works. I'm going to get their names right.

Sonya, Adele, Jo, Julie, Graham, Danny, Natalie, and others that I forgot what a waste....

     First we met up at Fernandez, a pub in Wakefield. No I didn't drink anything but water. 

  We had a reservation at the Red Chili II, an Indian restaurant. One of the waiters had some eyesight problem and you never really knew who he was looking at. It was cheese and spinach and it was so good. Me being clumsy and stupid while at the buffet, managed to drop a Eggplant Pakora into a massive bowl of sauce. SMH (if you do not know what this means Google it or ask a young person in your family). 

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