Day 10
Since my last post it was mostly packing or more like repacking my case. Stevie and I went to a cool party at her friend Vicky's house. It was epic. The weather was gorgeous and many horses were there. Most of Stevie's friends thought my american accent was very entertaining lol. When we finally arrived home we just chilled for a bit on the website called StumbleUpon. Then I went to bed "early" preparing for my train ride the next day to my Nunk's house.
Day 11
After an early rise I caught the train at 10:24 am to Birmingham new street. It was a 3 hour journey but i slept most of the way. The lady that sat next to me on the isle seat was fast asleep at my destination point and I started freaking out because I didn't think I was going to be able to get off haha. As I got off the train I saw my Uncle Nick and Cousin Lolly (her name's Lauren but everyone calls her Lolly) standing at the platform waiting for me.We caught another train to wellington and arrived home at nicks house. As we arrived at the house Grandma was already at the house with her little cuppa tea.
Viewed my sleeping arrangements outside in a big, blue tent which was really fun sleeping in because the weather was pheonomenal :)
That night we had a catch up, a good meal (crispy chicken from a Jamie Oliver's recipe book) It tasted great. The chicken was really juicy and succulent. My uncle Nick's a great chef. I experienced Jersey royal potatoes. They were gorgeous.
After a good old laugh we went to the tent, had a chat with my favourite cousin and headed to bed. ZZZzzzzzz
Nunk was not drunk! I swear!
Can't see the video!! It says its private!