
Apes in Chatsworth

Day 18

    Ever heard of Robin Hood and Lady Marian? Well we're best friends and I hung out with them in Sherwood forest. Not to brag or anything.

     Julia, Sam and I went to the Sherwood forest Go Ape. Go Ape is a rope and zip-line course in the middle of a forest.


Day 19

    We spent the night in Matlock with Julia's friend Pam. Her daughter Anna and I have become kind of close after hanging out for 2 days, she's only 14. The morning after Go Ape Pam, Anna, Julia, Sam and I went to Chatsworth estate. It was more than magnificent!

 All three of us inside the house wandering around.

Rembrandt and his hidden masterpieces.

Maze completed! I was the one who got lost!

Sam is obsessed with slapping my thighs. Oof painful.

I am the Black Swan!

Chatsworth Estate

The coolest band!!!! Check out the saxophonist;) 

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