
LEED(s) Me Home

Day 15

     Sam and I took the bus into Leeds this morning seen as though Julia had to work. When we got Leeds and waked out of the bus station there was a massive outdoor market! Sam being a guy has to eat every few hours, he stopped in the market and got a bag of egg shaped (not flavored) gummies! Strange, but they were really good.

     We wandered around the new Leeds Trinity Shopping Center (Mall), went into so may stores but didn't buy anything.

       While Sam and I got "lunch", really just a smoothie and a danish, with the wonderful power of twitter said that a girl was going to be performing in a record store. We went to go and see her and I now regret not filming her because she was THAT good! Her name was Emily something but I can't remember. She was so small but had such a powerful and different voice, brilliant!!

      Just before we caught the bus back to Wakefield we had a crepe each and they were so hot (temperature wise) and it to be 30 degrees already. The bus was 1000000000 degrees I actually thought I was going to die, and I thought Sam was going to pass out at one point...

  Later on after Julia, Clive, Thomas and I had dinner, Sam went to his Dad's, Julia took us to a dam. We had a little walk around the lake thingy. Walking around we passed a man and his Meerkat, Mishka. She was playful and made a clicking noise when anyone tickled her stomach.

Thomas and I as Meerkats! :)

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