
Disco Pants and Hibernation

Day 12

       Lolly and I went to the shopping center so she could find summer clothes. We spent a good hour and quitte a few pounds in Primark. I found these fabulous disco pants. They are high-waisted, black, and shiny. Lolly got some high-waisted shorts that were super cute on her. i bought quite a few other items as well. (I'll show you those when I get home)! 

      Uncle Nick, being a stereotypical man, was bored of sitting outside. We decided to take a drive to Ironbridge.  Ironbridge was where the industrial revolution started in the UK. The bridge that gave Ironbridge its name was the first iron cast bridge in the world! 

      I had yet another ice cream here. I think I'm beginning to look like an ice cream! We went home after that because it was so hot and had a smorgasbord. Oh did I mention I was sleeping in a tent! It was so much fun. 

Day 13

        Another hibernation session with Charlotte Affolter. It has been so hot in the tent and just all day really, that I became so tired so I slept into the morning and then again for 2 hours in the afternoon. After I woke up in the afternoon Uncle Nick made his famous Turkey and Chick Pea Curry. Oh My Lord it was so good. I inhaled it, there was no chewing involved. 

       A lot of the time I was at Nick's all four of us were laughing and talking. There wasn't much television or anything. I nearly peed myself on numerous occasions. i recorded Nick and Grandma singing a dirty RAF song.  


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