Day 6
Up and at 'em it was today. Today we headed to Cornwall for a music festival style wedding, Wedstock. We left at 12:00 p.m. and drove down to Cornwall. Did I mention this wedding is on an estate? Lord and Lady Eliot's estate. The way to Cornwall is very scenic and you have to go over the Brunel bridge.
The wedding reception was held in a marquis, a beautiful blue and white striped tent. There were little flags hung all around the tent and fairy lights. It was so different and beautiful. The bride and groom were the loveliest people. the bride's dress was stunning on her.
In the afternoon Steph and I were a PIMM's team when the guests were arriving. Making PIMM's, pouring, getting new glasses, getting rid of used glasses. It was a blast! As the evening carried on, after our PIMM's service, Rick took me around the estate on a tour.
This is Rick and Shelley. They work on the estate and handle the bars and work festivals. |
The estate is like nothing I've ever seen before. The house itself is over 500 years old. There are so many concepts to the estate, not just the big house. The gardens are magnificent, its not your stereotypical garden though. It is acres of trees and plants, there is a hexagonal maze and a beautiful view of the river.
Rick is very good friends with Lord Eliot, so I had the honor of meeting him. He was a lovely guy, really down to earth and normal. After my little tour, Rick and I headed back to the wedding. I was a Barmaid (bartender) working with Steph and Julie. We worked from 2 in the afternoon until 2 the following morning. For at least an hour I was left to man the bar by myself, and even if I say so, I did a pretty good job. One of my favorite things about this wedding was the Silent Disco. It is literally everyone has headphones on that are synced with the DJ and everyone dance like normal, but when you take them off all you hear is the soft singing of the chorus. Everyone who knew the words were singing even with headphones, it was a riot. The happiest man at that wedding was Drummer Man. He sat in one chair for almost 2 hours playing the drums on his knees with 2 glowsticks. He was smiling the whole time and you could tell he was having a blast.
Total Drink Count: Charlotte
2x Pimm's
1x Champagne and Orange
1x Pint Cider
All in All a wonderful, eventful day/night/morning.
A link to the many photos I took of the wedding and Cornwall.
Taaaaaaa..... xoxoxox